Swoozie the Storyteller
This is Adande Thorne. He goes by the name sWooZie, and is one of my favorite YouTubers ever. If you have never heard of him, I would encourage you to check out his channel. Swoozie gained his following by telling stories. As simple as that might sound, this is what he made his "thing." If you read my last blog post, I talked about how to establish your personal brand. I wanted to talk now about someone I think has done a great job doing so. I first heard him in a youth group when I was a sophomore in high school. We were doing a lesson on gossip and he had an incident where sharing information that shouldn't be shared can get you in trouble. After that, I went and look for more videos from him and found most of the videos are the same. Swoozie tells a story of something that has happened in his life, good or bad, what he learned from it, and how others can apply it.
That may not sound like the most interesting video to watch but stay with me. What's unique about his channel is how you visually portrays these stories. Sometimes it will be him sitting in front of the camera talking and sharing pictures of the things that took place, other times it is displayed in a cartoon form. These animated clips, almost like when you draw on a post-it notes then flip through really fast and it comes to life, provide a visual and really add to the humor. Along with that, he makes more references to movies, TV shows, video games, etc., that really helped me connect and relate to him as an individual. Another thing I really enjoy is that his channel is family friendly. Yes crazy things have happened, but he often speaks on his values and beliefs that have kept him from things getting worse. These aspects are what come to mind when I think of sWooZie and what his personal brand is. Recently he has transition more into the professional gaming industry and his acting career as well. Although he does not make videos as often, I patiently await for all his content because of the connection I was able to make through the things he used to create his personal brand.
Until next Time,
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