Content Calendars

This week in my social media principles class, we discussed the use of content calendars. I found this interesting because this was something my partners and I for our YouTube channel had attempted. At the time, I really didn't know what a true content calendar was. We came up with a plan of what videos we wanted to do, considering the time frame we had before leaving for college, and created a list that way. We did not have schedule dates for specific videos but did what we can when we could. This was not the most organized process and we had trouble keeping track of content. It was sometimes a scramble to find what to say to go along with our videos or figure an a sequence as to why we post them when we did. The reason I bring up content calendars, is the process of planning out our content ahead of time would have greatly helped us.

We talked about a few elements in a content calendar that help to create it. First was meaning making. This embodies the why. The reason behind what you our doing. For example, we made a video of a summer beach trip with a group of friends. We did this because this was one of the last big things we would be able to do together and we wanted to include them in our video. Our channel is us sharing different aspects and adventures in our lives and this was one that we didn't want to miss. Second is content distribution. Our main platform was our YouTube channel but we did create profiles on Instagram and Twitter. We found it more difficult than we intended to stay active on all three platforms. If we had planned more about which content would go where, we would have been better prepared to stay active on all platforms. Third is understanding goals and audiences. We are a family friendly channel. We have kids, teens, even adults who follow us so our goal is to created content that everyone can enjoy. Our goal is to be a variety channel. "brotherhood at its finest, variety at its best" was our slogan. We wanted our content to show that. Lastly, and I think this is what we would've benefited the most from, is strategies and message creation. This is the actual information for the posts planned ahead of time. That way you are not scrambling for what to say last minute which is the situation we found ourselves in. These were a few areas of a content calendar that I know, moving forward, will help us as we continue to build our channel.

Until Next Time,


  1. I find content calendars very interesting. At first, it seems like something that would be so easy to create. You just decided what post and when to post it. However, actually coming up with weeks or months worth of content is a lot harder than it sounds. Thus, I applaud those who do it for a living because it would not be an easy job.


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