The Greatest "Show" Man
One of my favorite movies of 2017 was the film "The Greatest Showman." This movie follows the story of Phineas Taylor (or P.T.) Barnum and his "rags to riches" storyline. The movie follows the story of a man taking his own imaginations and turning that into his selling point. What I did not realize was that P.T. Barnum put into practice one of the 4 prominent PR models throughout time. The PR model that Barnum practiced is known as the Press Agentry Model. this model is centered around the propaganda or attention grabbing aspect of promotion. With this as the main idea, ethics is placed into question.
This particular model, allows for the truth to be stretched as far as needed in order to gain the attention of the desired audience. Barnum was very good at selling fantasies as reality which heavily contributes to his success. I found it interesting the spin the Greatest Showman puts on the lack of transparency in this model. What the movie depicts as lighthearted little white lies to bring smiles to the faces of millions can also be described as manipulation or deception. Whatever the spin, this model is centered on the company or entity to bring the most attention to whatever it is you are trying to sell. In Barnum's time this tactic worked well, but is it right to compromise certain ethics in order to increase publicity? Ethics play a heavy role in PR because one slip up can have consequences not only for the individual but on the professional as a whole.
Until Next Time,
Until Next Time,
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing! The Greatest Show Man was such a great movie! In my intro into public relations class we are learning at PT Barnum and his tactis that he used. I learned a lot more about both the movie and PT in your blog.
My girlfriend and I went to see this movie to which we were both amazed. It was paced really and full of excitement as well as great acting. Lowkey think my girlfriend just wanted to go for Zac Effron but that is okay because the movie had Zendaya too! I also love how you can view the movie differently now which reminds me of my media class last semester which makes me see so much more out of movies now for better or for worse.
ReplyDeleteI am in love with this movie. I had never heard this before! Thinking about now, I do see the Press Agentry model showing through! Of course they wanted to have lightheartedness shine through instead of the feeling of deception. I read an article about the original story of P.T. Barnum & it seems like it was more harsh than they depicted.