Finished with The Art of Social Media

Image result for the art of social media guy kawasaki summary

In my social media principles class, we have just finished "The Art of Social Media" by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick. Considering this, I wanted to take a moment and highlight my three favorite things about the book. First up, the layout. I appreciated that the book was small and the letters on the pages were large. While it might not seem like much, the large letters and pictures really helped make the reading fly by. The shorter pages made it less intimidating to think about reading 40 pages in this book versus another textbook. The bullet points helped me to focus on the topics and not get lost in the words constantly having to re-read. Second, the language used. Guy Kawasaki lays out the information as if he is presenting it. While a lot of college textbooks simply relay the information, the language used in this book was active and engaging. The flow was easy to follow, and I enjoyed reading. I really appreciated that, even though some of it was information I already knew, he presented it in a way that still held my attention. Often if I am going over something, I feel I already have a grasp on, my attention tends to drift. With "The Art of Social Media" I was able to, not only be refreshed in information I previously gathered, but see it from a new perspective while learning additional tools and tricks to improve how I use social media. Lastly, the feeling of accomplishment. I know that might sound weird but hear me out. Most teachers recognize the fact that college students don't read their textbooks. Honestly, I fall into that category more often then I'd like to admit. However, with this book, and all the factors prior, I felt accomplished to say I had finished the book. Hopefully I can continue this trend with the remaining textbooks this semester.

Until Next Time,


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