Content Marketing

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In my social media principles class this week, we talked about content marketing in terms or what it is and how it works. Content marketing is a strategy centered on creating content that is meaningful to your audience and then distributing that content to attain profitable action by the consumer. As your own brand you have a unique voice and sharing it on social media can be beneficial to your brand. Here are four reasons why you should create content on social media as provided by "Social Media for Strategic Communication."

1. "Having a strong brand awareness." Everything that you upload to any social media platform can be considered a digital footprint. This section focuses on knowing how you want your brand to be recognized and producing content that reinforces it. Using opportunities of partnerships or outside communities can also help to bring more awareness to your brand. It is important to have brand awareness because as this happen you may have less control over what all is posted, so making sure all your content gives off the impression you want it too is important. 

2. "Gaining respect and reputation in the industry as a trusted source." Using social media broadens your area of influence. As more people start to see your content, that is consistent with your brand, they attach a higher level of trust to your brand. If your content is applicable for them, such as providing advice or tips and tricks, they begin to push your content to others like an advocate.

3. "Tying into the search engine optimization capabilities." In order to help drive traffic back to your website, page or social media platform, the use of search engine optimization is important. This works by using tags or keys words that will show your content is a potential viewer is searching and uses one of those key words. Taking some time to research what key words to use so that when someone does see your content, it is meaningful to them.

4. "Providing assets to a social media campaign." Assets are your pieces of content. Any organization or person that is creating content has assets that can be used in their message. Using these strategically for different messages help your content to retain the attention of your audiences.

Here are a few tips on why using social media can benefit your brand.

Until Next Time,


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