
End of the Road

When I first signed up for the class, it was just to get more credits and work towards a minor. I thought the class would be a breeze. In my mind, social media was a good tool to use in my field of study, but I assumed my knowledge of social media was advanced enough to where I could make it through this class without any problems. While that was not the case, I learned more than I ever thought I would about social media and how much goes into using it. I have three takeaways that I want to share from my experiences in this class. First, I can't run from the numbers anymore. I have said this before, but I was never a huge fan of analytics when I first came to college. I did well in the classes I took, but it was never a joy of mine. However, from this class I learned that it is everywhere even in social media. The longer I try to get away from it the harder time I am going to have when I must use it; so why not embrace right? Second, find your voice and stay true to you....

Anything Can Happen

For my interpersonal communications class, we must complete end-of-chapter activities and report them in a journal. For this section, I watched this Ted Talk about a man named Ric Elias and his plane crash story. He talked about all the thoughts running through his mind as the captain said those three fatal words "brace for impact." The takeaway from his story were these three main ideas. First, it all changes in an instant. Second, the only thing he regretted was the time wasted on things that don't matter with the people that do matter. Lastly, that dying is not scary, it's sad and his only wish was to see his kids grow up. After giving his account of the story, he challenges the listeners with the question "what would we get done that we are waiting to get done now?" We live in a world where everyone believes that have all the tie in the world to do what they need to. It a sense of the world revolving around us when, we have no idea what is going t...

How Google Slides Saved Our Grade

Google slides is a software used for preparing slides for presentations either in the classroom or the workplace. It runs very similar to the Microsoft Office software, PowerPoint. I have used PowerPoint whenever I needed to do any form of presentation. I have always found it easier to use and convenient for me. this past assignment I had in my business analytics class has changed my outlook on google slides. One feature Google slides does that PowerPoint does not, is the auto-save feature which stores it to the cloud. The feature makes changes at all access points if the document is changed in any way.  This past Tuesday, we had to give a class presentation for our final group project. We had split into groups and had a couple weeks to find variables and solve for a data set. We had finished our work in a timely manner and put both our report and presentation slides together. We had to submit the documents before the start of class. We decided not to go first, and I am so ...

Creating Ads for Social Media

For one of our last assignments in my social media principles class, we had to create an ad similar to the ones on Facebook and Twitter. Facebook offers a hub where you can go in and use your pictures, videos, and other media forms to create paid advertisements. They offered a bunch of different styles for basing your ad on which were unique to the two platforms. They had demonstrations available so you could preview what your ad would look like and give suggestions to help improve it. Now this sounds simple enough, but I spent more time working on this assignment that I had on any other in this class. I was already off to a bad start by not looking at moodle at all of thanksgiving break, but pair this with my unique ability to procrastinate at the worst moments made this experience even more interesting. I read through the instructions five time before I had the slightest clue as to how I wanted to set this up. Thankfully, I was not alone in m confusion and could talk with classm...

Social Media for Strategic Communication

In my social media principles class, we have just finished our second book "Social Media for Strategic Communication." Personally, I thought this book was much more informative than the last book "The Art of Social Media." The chapters were liter in the first book and easy to read; although it seemed more common sense or basic aspects of social media. I enjoy with this strategy book is that it showed you more of the "how" things work. It gave me more background into the world of a social media professional. Before this class, I thought working in social media was a "fun" job. It was making posts all day, taking great pictures to show, promoting businesses or products, and was not super strenuous. While in this class we looked at the typical day of a social media professional and I was way off. The amount of planning, strategy, and even analytics that goes into using social media in a profession. Building a personal or professional brand...

Thanksgiving Break

This past week, I was able to go home and see family and friends for Thanksgiving break. It was a much-needed hiatus from the busy life of a college athlete. Leading up to the break was the most stressful week of school I had all semester. It was a combination of assignments due, papers I had put off, and tests in classes. What seemed like the longest week ever ended with me submitting my assignment for this class. Saturday morning at 4 a.m., we begin our eight-hour drive back home to the east coast. With so much to be thankful for, number one for me was family. I had not seen my parents or siblings since early August. My family is very close and over break we had movie nights, game nights, and sat around the table talking and laughing for hours. We ate more food than we probably should have, but mom's cooking is too good not to. I was also able to see my closest friends over break. We visited one of my best friend's colleges and played games and talked with his friends. I...

Numbers in PR

If you're like me, then you were a fan of math until the alphabet was thrown into the mix. From algebra to calculus, I was able to do the work well, but I never truly enjoyed doing it. In chapter 10 of Social Media for Strategic Communication, it talks about measurements, evaluation, budget, and calendars in public relations. We have talked about calendars before, but what stood out to me was the measurements and evaluation. In our class discussion, it was brought up that a common misconception with people working in PR is that they do not use numbers or analytics. I was one who believed PR was more about working with people or social media and not the analytical side of things. I chose marketing and communications to study because I thought that was an opportunity to put my creativity and people skills to use. I love working with a team or interacting with new people when I'm on the job. Hearing that even in social media and public relation that analytics still fol...